Emilee + Chris | Boulder Colorado Adventure Couples Photos

Posted On | February 25, 2019

Mt Sanitas Couples Session

I met up with Emilee and Chris at sunrise on a fall morning in Boulder, Colorado for their adventure couples session. I love shooting couples at sunrise because even if I’ve shot at a location a hundred times, it always feels different at sunrise. Different, dreamy light, different angles and different areas to explore. We chose to photograph their anniversary session at Mt. Sanitas trail in Boulder because of its jutting mountain peaks, fields of grass and views of the city.

Their story began 7 years ago. Emilee and Chris met at their first job out of college and shared the same cubicle. Emilee still remembers how Chris threw crumpled up pieces of paper at her to have an excuse to keep talking.

In September of 2017, Emily and Chris stood in front of each other at the end of an aisle in front of their family and friends and chose each other as husband and wife. They committed the rest of their life together. A year later, these two own their own home in Erie and have truly started to build their life together.

If they could choose the perfect way to spend their weekend it would probably involve a food truck, blanket forts, order-in pizza from Proto’s and falling asleep together watching a movie.

When driving around town together, Emilee and Chris often find themselves singing spoofs of songs in the car – the changed words mostly have to do with food (especially tacos!). Yes, these two are totally fun!

Chris is the funny one in their relationship. He is constantly making puns throughout the day and although they are often corny, Emilee absolutely loves that goofy side he’s not afraid to hide. Chris’ favorite thing about Emily? The way she dances around the house without holding anything back! Ya see why I love these two so much!?!

Now I already felt like these two could be my friends and then as we were hiking around Boulder, they told me their favorite music was country. Now I KNEW I was meant to photograph these two! So we spent the rest of their session listening to our favorite country jams on my mini speaker.

To celebrate their anniversary, Emilee and Chris cut the top of their wedding cake they had saved specifically for this moment. (Not to mention, their wedding cake was geode inspired and incredible gorgeous!) They also brought along a framed picture from their wedding day. We took a picture of them holding their wedding picture and they hope to continue that tradition on every year until they’re old and wrinkly.

There’s a special connection you get with a couple when you wake up before sunrise to chase the morning light. When you adventure around the mountains together and traverse the side of a steep hill (which we did!). I’m so thankful that Emilee and Chris came into my life when they did. It’s such a treasure to laugh with two people in the middle of the forest and capture them 100% as they are.

Thank you, Emilee and Chris!


Boulder Colorado Couples Photographer
Boulder Colorado Photographer
Mt Sanitas Couples Photos
Boulder Colorado Anniversary Pictures
Boulder Colorado Engagement Session
Colorado Couples Photographer
Colorado Adventure Photographer
Colorado Engagement Photographer
Colorado Adventure Engagemment
Colorado Adventure Couples Pictures
Boulder Colorado Couples Pictures
Boulder Colorado Engagement Photographer
Boulder Colorado Couples Photographer
Mt Sanitas Couples Session
Colorado Anniversary Pictures

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